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Why Donate Stock?

You can maximize your philanthropic impact and potential tax liability and make a difference!

  1. You can get a charitable contribution deduction for the value of the shares at the time of the contribution.
  2. Avoid paying capital gain tax on the sale of the shares.
  3. If the shares represent a withdrawal from a pension plan, you will avoid any tax on the withdrawal from the pension plan, such as a possible penalty upon a premature distribution.

To help facilitate your transfer of stock, ask your broker to use following information. You’ll need our organization’s:

  • Full name – Yad Ezra V’Shulamit
  • EIN # 46-0477228
  • Name of our brokerage firm (the receiving institution) – Fidelity Investments
  • Account #: Z40-343999
  • DTC #: 0226

For other long term estate giving & planning, please email feedisrael@yadezra.net